St. James Tearoom is a fantastic place to get together with the gals and enjoy some great tea and spectacular food (you'll see what I mean in a minute). Several years in a row, the Society of Women Engineers - Central New Mexico Section has hosted it's annual banquet at St. James. I've been three times now and can't tell you how much fun it has and how delicious the food is!
For the last two years, we have had a hat decorating contest at the tea. Last year, my hat band (I always just decorate the hat band so I can use my floppy hat in the summer) was adorned with "green" patches I sewed together and a couple of flowers I cut out of a Coca-Cola can. Can you believe my "green" themed hat won the contest?!
2010 Hat Contest (I'm in the center)
This year I was pressed for time (a big deliverable going out the door at work the day of the banquet) so I made a last minute hat band to decorate my hat. I had so much fun making the
felt flower pillow a few weeks ago so I made a small felt flower with the left over purple felt.
My goal was something that looked more like a dahlia because I absolutely adore them!
How did I do?
I used small triangles instead of half circles and and pinched them slightly in the center before sewing them on. I could use some more practice, but it came out pretty cute. The center was a lavender button from my grandma's old collection.
The best way to get the flower to stay on my hat was by making a quick hat band. I had about 10 minutes to spare before needing to get out the door so I made a ruffled hat band out of green fabric and pinned on my flower.
I didnt' win the hat contest but think I came in a solid 2nd place!
Okay, I almost forgot to show some more photos of the food at St. James. This month's theme is "A Pirates Life for Me - Plundering the British East India Company".
Top tier savories!
Middle Tier Breads
Bottom Tier Desserts
You know that looks amazing, don't you!